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Useful Links 

  • Chinese Internal Arts Association - my teachers, Karel and Eva Koskuba

  • Chen Xiao Wang's website - the current head of Chen Style Tai Chi

  • Chen Yingjun - has details of his seminars when he visits the UK

  • There's a video of Chen Yingjun performing the Laojia Tai Chi form on Tai Chi Ottowa's Youtube channel

  • Tai Chi Lyon - an excellent collection of videos of Chen Style Tai Chi masters.  There are many variations - please see videos of Chen Xiao Wang in their "Laojia" playlist for the version we practise.
  • Some commentary from the NHS on Tai Chi.
  • In 2020, Tai Chi was recognised as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO.  Here's a video that was produced for the occasion, featurning a number of the top practitioners of Chen Style Tai Chi.

  • Video of Chen Xiao Wang performing the Laojia form from the rear.  The video is not great quality, but it is very useful for following along.